SoundGuard hiring plans

Jonah Lupton
3 min readJul 25, 2018


Over the past few weeks I’ve hinted at our upcoming hiring plans for SoundGuard. One year from now if things are going well and our growth has continued to accelerate I think it’s very possible we are a 40–50 person company. Listed below are the roles we are looking to fill over the next 12 months. By sharing these roles I’m hoping to leverage my network of friends and connections to uncover some amazing candidates that want to be part of something really special at SoundGuard.

I’m already working with a couple recruiters however if you’re interested in any of these positions and you are qualified then please send a cover letter and resume to

I’ll be posting the job specs for most of these positions on our website within the next few days although most of them should be common sense if you’re already in that role at a different company. For now I’m just sharing the position/title, the location requirements and our timeline for each hire.

VP/Director of Talent = 0–1 month (Boston)
National Director of Sales = 0–6 months (Boston)
Regional Sales Manager = 0–3 months (East Coast)
Regional Sales Manager = 0–3 months (West Coast)
VP/Director of Marketing (1) = 0–2 month (Boston)
VP/Director of Marketing (2) = 2–12 months (Boston)
AVP of Marketing = 2–6 months (Boston)
VP/Director of Operations (1) = 0–2 months (Boston)
VP/Director of Operations (2) = 2–12 months (Boston)
VP/Director of Finance = 1–3 months (Boston)
Executive Assistant = 1–2 months (Boston)

Northeast Sales Rep (1) = 0–2 months (Northeast)
Northeast Sales Rep (2) = 2–4 months (Northeast)
Northeast Sales Rep (3) = 4–8 months (Northeast)
Northeast Sales Rep (4) = 8–12 months (Northeast)

Southeast Sales Rep (1) = 0–2 months (Southeast)
Southeast Sales Rep (2) = 2–4 months (Southeast)
Southeast Sales Rep (3) = 4–8 months (Southeast)
Southeast Sales Rep (4) = 8–12 months (Southeast)

Northwest Sales Rep (1) = 0–2 months (Northwest)
Northwest Sales Rep (2) = 2–4 months (Northwest)
Northwest Sales Rep (3) = 4–8 months (Northwest)
Northwest Sales Rep (4) = 8–12 months (Northwest)

Southwest Sales Rep (1) = 0–2 months (Southwest)
Southwest Sales Rep (2) = 2–4 months (Southwest)
Southwest Sales Rep (3) = 4–8 months (Southwest)
Southwest Sales Rep (4) = 8–12 months (Southwest)

Midwest Sales Rep (1) = 3–6 months (Midwest)
Midwest Sales Rep (2) = 6–12 months (Midwest)

Northeast Project Manager (1) = 0–2 months (Northeast)
Northeast Project Manager (2) = 2–8 months (Northeast)

Southeast Project Manager (1) = 0–2 months (Southeast)
Southeast Project Manager (2) = 2–8 months (Southeast)

Northwest Project Manager (1) = 0–2 months (Northwest)
Northwest Project Manager (2) = 2–8 months (Northwest)

Southwest Project Manager (1) = 0–2 months (Southwest)
Southwest Project Manager (2) = 2–8 months (Southwest)

Midwest Project Manager (1) = 3–6 months (Midwest)
Midwest Project Manager (2) = 6–12 months (Midwest)

Inside Sales Rep (1) = 0–2 months (Boston)
Inside Sales Rep (2) = 2–4 months (Boston)
Inside Sales Rep (3) = 4–6 months (Boston)
Inside Sales Rep (4) = 6–12 months (Boston)

Customer Support (1) = 1–3 months (Boston)
Customer Support (2) = 3–6 months (Boston)

Sales Reps will be in their specified regions covering the following markets:
1) hotels & hospitality
2) apartment buildings (multi family housing)
3) office properties & commercial real estate groups
4) universities & student housing
5) architects & designers
6) dealers & distributors
7) luxury home builders

Project Managers will be in their specified regions doing mockups, sound testing and doing contractor training/certifications

Northeast Region is Boston down to Baltimore including NYC, Philadelphia, Detroit and Chicago

Southeast Region is Washington DC down to Miami including Nashville and New Orleans

Northwest Region is Seattle down to San Francisco including Colorado and Utah.

Southwest Region is Los Angeles down to Texas including Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Las Vegas.

**If you’re interested in any of these positions and you’re qualified (I only want people with an insane work ethic and extensive experience) then please send a cover letter and resume to

Feel free to share this post with anyone you want. We’re offering a $1,500 referral fee to anyone that helps us find the perfect candidate for any of these positions. I’ll even throw in 10 gallons of our soundproofing paint for free if that person is still with the company after 6 months.

